JP Executive Communications

Engage Inform & Inspire

Results Based Strategic Planning & Budgeting In The Public Sector

Leading and managing government departments, state-owned enterprises, local government and other public sector institutions in an era of a very fluid geo-political and socio-economic fluidity is a major challenge. Long established tools and approaches, including conventional strategic planning and strategy management, are no longer adequate to deal with the volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) context. Organizations that have become comfortable with and thus chose to continue with the traditional strategic planning and strategy management are planning for dismal failure. Knowledge of and competency in Results-based leadership and management (RBLM), with its constituent elements of Results-based Planning (RBP), Results-based Budgeting and Budget Management (RBB&BM), as well as Results-based Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (RB LMEAL), are now a prerequisite for modern day leaders and managers. A new leadership mindset and appropriate technical competencies are needed.

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JP Executive Communications

34 Southern Klipriviersburg rd,
The Hill, 2197